Suarie Rodrigo, 30 years old, from Melbourne, VIC, is participating in the Push-Up Challenge for the second time in 2024. Here, he shares how he dealt with the darkest time in his life, and why doing The Push-Up Challenge was one of the best things he has ever done.
Why did you decide to sign up to The Push-Up Challenge?
I signed up for The Push-Up Challenge to keep myself active, and to spread awareness that looking after our health should be our top priority.
Can you tell us a little more about your personal connection to the mental health cause – have you experienced mental health challenges in your own life?
I faced the biggest challenge of my life when my dad passed away last April 2023. It was the saddest time of my life. I was very depressed and hopeless.
What has helped you deal with hard times?
The things that helped me with hard times are getting up early in the morning and training my clients at the gym. I work as a personal trainer, face-to-face and online coach. I also always make sure that I talk to my family and friends as often as possible.
What sorts of things do you do these days to maintain positive mental wellbeing?
I always see things around me as opportunities to grow and learn new things. I listen to motivational speeches from successful people who have overcome difficulties.
I distance myself from the people who aren’t suitable for my peace of mind, and I always allow myself to stay connected to the people who checked on me when I needed support.
How does your work as a personal trainer help you stay motivated?
When I started as a personal trainer, I had no clients; I doubted myself. However, I began to ask people if I could train them for free, to keep myself busy. I thought it was one way to spread kindness without expecting anything. I see people boost their self-confidence inside the gym and make them feel that they are supported. They are appreciated, and the gym is their safe place.
What was the best thing about doing The Push-Up Challenge?
Being part of The Push-Up Challenge was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have witnessed people uniting and contributing to the community to help people facing mental health issues. Even if we can’t change the world, maybe we could change one person’s life today, tomorrow and in the future.
What would you say to someone who’s thinking about participating this year?
Try it – because we never know who we are inspiring, and maybe someone out there is waiting for your story to be heard, just like mine. It’s also one way to inspire others.
Why do you think it's so important that more Aussies get behind the push for better mental health this year?
It’s so crucial for Aussies to get behind the push for better mental health this year to spread awareness and encourage others to take care of their health. We can also encourage people to be hopeful about whatever they’re facing and have been through. Participating could absolutely impact the lives of others and the people around us.
If you could share a final message of your own around mental health with our community, what would that be?
Challenges are an opportunity that often lead us to the strong version of ourselves. I have failed many times. But this doesn’t stop me from achieving impossible things in life.