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Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney

Donating to Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney

Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney (H2HS) is there for those in crisis, keeping people safe and supporting individuals to lead meaningful, fulfilled and engaged lives. As one of Australia’s largest and most trusted Lifeline members, Lifeline H2HS answers more than 10% of the nation’s calls to the 24/7 Telephone Crisis Line 13 11 14. Locally, our centre works to provide counselling, group programs, community support, and training across Sydney’s north. Last year, we delivered more than 15,000 local education, clinical, and community interventions - including Community Aid, Counselling and Psychological Services, Support Groups, Emergency Relief, Financial Counselling and more.


Fundraising for The Push-Up Challenge 2024 has now closed, but you can still donate to The Push For Better Foundation to improve mental health in Australia. Our initiatives focus on mental health education, research, connecting people with their community and fostering healthy behaviours.

Please select a donation amount

$35 can help fund resources to start mental health conversations in the classroom and workplace
$65 can help train and support high school students to become mental health ambassadors in their school and community
$120 can help elevate mental health literacy through science-backed educational content
$250 can help us improve the physical and mental fitness of more Australians through health promotion initiatives

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The Push-Up Challenge is run by Push For Better Foundation (ABN 49645093349) which is a registered charity authorised by the Australian Tax Office as a deductible gift recipient.


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