Ambassador team





About Our Challenge

This June, we're taking on The Push-Up Challenge and completing a heap of push-ups between 5-28 June, 2024 to raise funds and awareness for mental health.

You can show your support by making a tax-deductible donation to our fundraising page or joining our Team to be a part of the fun.

Every dollar helps #pushforbetter mental health outcomes in Australia.

Supporting Lifeline Queensland

Lifeline Australia is one of the beneficiaries of this year’s The Push-Up Challenge. Together, Lifeline and The Push-Up Challenge, aim to raise awareness about mental health and the impact of suicide on Australians.

Funds raised will enable Lifeline to continue providing their critical 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services, answer more help seeker contacts, and ensure any person in Australia who needs support knows where and how to find it.

This team is currently ranked 1000+ out of all teams that are fundraising

Rank Name Amount
998 jellybean $1966.00
999 BBC Highlanders 7 & 11 $1965.00
1000 Health Equity Branch $1962.00
1001 Parrwang House $1959.00
1002 Tip Top Sales Leaders $1957.86
1003 Bring More Cash $1957.00
1004 Radical Red $1956.00

Team Push-Up Total

Meet the team
(22 members)
Team Captain: Isaac Beattie

Thanks to Our Legendary Sponsors


Pearl Ulu-Sago

Pearls donation for mental health. Sorry she couldn’t do push ups but happy to donate. God bless


Gma & Gpa

Go Finn. So proud of you 💪🏼


K&K Moore

Great work Finn


Kimberly Rosser


Teagan Buist

Hey Jazzy, James and I are so proud of you Xx. Keep spreading positivity and making a difference. You're amazing! 💪💙


Chris Beattie

Hello done.


Lyndell Francis

Proud of you! 💪🏻


Ewan Rosser





For Vik, and also for you. Couldn’t be prouder ❤️



You can do it Mr Reeves!


Rebecca Brown

Way to go Zak


Jason Hoad

The amount of pushups you do I will match it



Well Done on doing something. I have seen too many people give up on life because of Mental Health problems.


Anya Bartle


Jeff Wang

Push on


Jeff Wang


Isaac Beattie


Dejana Car


Luca Schreiweis



Luca Schreiweis



Big Finn

Get big


Graggle Simpson


Graggle Simpson




jeff wang


Mr Beast

Im mr beast


Phoenix Bartle


Graggle Simpson


Mr Least

You're welcome


Mrs Olds



Neville Moore


Jesse Santoro

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