Carey Baptist College - Harrisdale





About Community

In June, our Community is taking part in The Push-Up Challenge. We are going to help shine the spotlight on the number of lives lost to suicide in 2022 and raise awareness of mental health. You can create a team in this Community, join a team or support someone who is taking part. Help us push for better mental health.

Supporting Lifeline

Lifeline exists to ensure no person in Australia has to face their darkest moments alone.
We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to listen, without judgement, to any person in Australia who is feeling overwhelmed, experiencing crisis or longs to be heard.

Experience shows us it is through connection that we can find hope. With Australians struggling with cost-of-living pressures, increasing inflation, housing insecurity, global instability, and recovery after extreme weather events, our crisis support services have remained in high demand with our voice and text services receiving up to 4,000 contacts a day from help seekers. Our partnership with The Push Up Challenge has played a vital role in raising funds to support the delivery of suicide prevention and crisis support services at a time where we have never been needed more.

State Of The Push-Ups

State Participants

Team Stats

Team name Number of legends Push-ups Funds raised
By person Overall By person Overall


To join a Team within this Community, simply find the Team below,
go to their page and click on JOIN US.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Aaliyah Wallis

A good cause is always worth the sweat.


leticia wallis

You might not know us but we have an idea of the struggle you go thru. Gold is refined by fire. Keep going strong.


Marcus Perera


Facebook Donation


Jack Beeck



Joel Booth


Steven Martin


Matei Andrin

Nice bro


Hayden Greaves

Enjoy tomorrow


Kelly Redhead


Peter Booth



Well done you with injured leg


Daryl Kim

You got this Nick! DDS


James Cho



Keep it up!!



Good luck mate


Rao Tan

Finish it off with a 1 arm push up 😤



I know you’re probably hell sore but keep it up 💪




Aaron Yong

Nice one!


Jonathan Gilmour

Keep up the great work!


Peter Scott

From Grandma and Grandpa


Jules Birt


Steven Pattinson

Amazing job Nick! Keep those man boobs perky


Reanne Sampey

Love ya work ❤️



Go nick!



You'll smash this! Super proud of you xx


Naomi Greaves

Great stuff Nick!


Barbara Wright

Have fun Isabella






Michael Zhang

Good stuff Nick


Zac Goh

proud of you king, go off



Smash it Jack


The Fishers

Great work Caelan!


Sam Diblasi

You go girl❤️


Sam Diblasi

Go Bella, almost there❤️


Chris Yen

Nice Nick!


steve and sue smith

you can do this Bella! super proud of you


Jet Loh

Go Nicholas!


Matt rose


Jo & Greg Corley


Adam and Trixie Yii



sam wong

have fun x



Go James Go!


Oakley OMalley


Erryn Booth


Bethany Laybourne


Rosie O’Malley



Caelan Fong



James Rai

Go Lizzie!


Levi Hunt

Go team!


James Rai

Get pumping!


James Rai

Keep going!


James Rai

All the way Senior 1!


James Rai

All the best!


James Rai

You can do it!!


Mia Iannucci

Here to support my schools fundraising goals for The Pushup Challenge. I know its not much money but it's something <3


your favourite student

don't forget to do your check in or i will come after you :)


Mr Andrin's Favourite student

I got you sir


Mc Lovin


Show more

Teams supporting

Legends supporting 29

To be part of this Community, you need to be in a Team. Join an existing Team or create your own.

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