MMC Team 2024





Push-Ups at Mount Maria

This June, we're calling all of MMC to take on The Push-Up Challenge and completing a heap of push-ups between 5-28 June, 2024 to raise funds and awareness for mental health. If you don't want to do push ups, that's okay! This challenge is about getting active in any way you can!

Encourage all your friends to join in this fun and competitive competition to smash out those fitness goals and learn about mental health in the process! If you feel like it, please consider donating to the team to better raise awareness in the coming years.


Supporting Push For Better Foundation

The Push For Better Foundation raises awareness and engages people in mental health through connection, education and health and wellbeing. We #pushforbetter.

This team is currently ranked 1000+ out of all teams that are fundraising

Rank Name Amount
998 Mike G $1950.00
999 The PushUp Bras $1949.45
1000 The Jewel of The East $1948.00
1001 Henning Harders $1947.70
1002 Brown sugar $1947.66
1003 Framers $1945.00
1004 Year 6 Hutchins $1945.00

Team Push-Up Total

Meet the team
(23 members)
Team Captain: Harry Linwood

Thanks to Our Legendary Sponsors


Helen Davis-Poynter


Laura Davis-Poynter

Keep it up Dad!!! Love the hustle 🫡



Keep Pushing :)


Leighann NW

Good job Frankie!


G’dad and G’ma

Keep up the good work Alice, we know what you will be doing before and after school, oh and the weekend, know you will complete your task. Keep Pushing Up👍


Ross Millard

Keep your eyes on the prize


Jane and Tony

Well done Lucas, super proud 💪


Nick Davis-Poynter


Mary-Louise Hannam


Justin G


Samantha Barron


Aleisha Hornick


Paul Collins

Impressive work, Nick!


Syrenna K


Dylan Grey


Donna B

That’s great!! “Go - Alice” … xxx


Mariko Collins

Good job uncle Nick keep it up!


Sandra Issa

Very proud of you and your initiative.



Go Lucas helping others


Ally T

Good job Alice!


Heather Scheller

You’ve got this Mr D-P! 💪


Lucas Mendes

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Part of Leaderboard Education