The King's School





The King's School Push Up Challenge

In June, The King's School community is taking part in The Push-Up Challenge. We are going to help shine the spotlight on the number of lives lost to suicide in 2022 and raise awareness of mental health. You can create a team in this Community, join a team or support someone who is taking part. Help us push for better mental health.

Supporting Push For Better Foundation

The Push For Better Foundation raises awareness and engages people in mental health through connection, education and health and wellbeing. We #pushforbetter.

State Of The Push-Ups

State Participants

Team Stats

Team name Number of legends Push-ups Funds raised
By person Overall By person Overall


To join a Team within this Community, simply find the Team below,
go to their page and click on JOIN US.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Julie Ian Robertson

What a great cause Cameron, proud of you……Julie and Ian.


Joe Ivankovic

Well done Jack from Joe and family x



All the best Jack from Ben, Chris and the team


Wayfield Group

Well done mate, massive effort x


Financial Management Corporation

Congratulations Jack super effort


Wickham House


Da Silva Family

Go Seb!



Good luck Jack!


Kate Briggs






Acuity Project Management


‘97 Leavers

Well done JH!



Awesome work James :)


Krishna Li



Bruce Ignatiou

Go Jack!! Great cause and well done!


Michael Stapleton

Make sure you do every one, Briggs.



Good luck Zak! Love you x


Joe DAndreti

Good work!


Nan & Pop

Wonderful Sam. Great cause


Alison Stevenson


Paula Baissari



Amanda Goulden


Stephen Carritt

Go you good thing! 💪🏻


Julie Mikolajczyk


Gary and Lee Honan


Adam Currall

Well done legend


Mel Hamilton


Anne-marie Ruttley

Proud of you xx


The Collective

Keep pushing Jack


Brookside Accountants

Great cause Jack well done


Pat & Rob Polistina

From your football uncles


Protec Garage

All the best Jack - see you Sunday for the official launch and thanks for your support


Peter Hill

Awesome effort


The Fast Lane

Strong work Jack




Rogers Family





Go Jacko!


Jush Athar

Great cause Zak. Do a couple extra push ups for me 😉.


Paul Collins

Great to catch up at the Rugby!



So proud of you!


Katrina Langlands


Paige Wallace


Paul Shepherd

Love your work James


The McMahons

Great cause Sam good luck with your push ups 💪


Sally Drury

Good luck boys go BBH.


Anne Lyons

Go boys go


Camilla Duffy

Go Hard!




Lotter Family

Great work boys!


Krisane Bunda

Well done boys!


Shah Athar

Well done Zak


Laney Clancy

Great effort wad dogs!


Riyaan Kamdar


Bruce O

Good on you Jacko





Go Macquarie.


Brad Cronin


Bruce Ignatiou



Love your work Kate! You can do it!


Brett Kelly


Wayfield Group


Bruce Sunderland

Bobby, Great work for an excellent cause


Ryan Bagust

Great cause well done


Jenny Nairne


Mel Morgan

Good luck Jack!


Kara Atkinson

Go James, you legend Love the Atkinsons x


Erin Carruthers


John Lawson


Sanjeev Goyal


Greg Ross


Annie Worth


Mark Velasco

Well done James! Keep at it =)


Facebook Donation


Mel **

Great cause Sambo!


Kylie Robinson

We’ll done Sam


Mum n Dad Robinson

Good luck Sambo


Rae & Kade

Well done Sambo, such a great cause , Goodluck!! X


Scott Hoppitt




Natalie & Thomas Li


Jack, Brit, Dotti and Cassie

Well done Adrian! Such a great cause and super proud of you!


Peter and Julie Li


Thayanithy family

Go Keshon.


John W Kouvelis

I expect you to clap between push-ups!



Yes. Go Kuya!!


Demetra Polycarpou

Awesome effort!!! Love you xx


Colin & Marjolyn Batt

Great effort Lara!



Press on :-)



Press on :-)


Paul Kellaway


Simon Kowald

Well done James!


Andrew and Bec Head

Go BF boys!!!


Stuart and Fiona Sheldrake


Debbie, David & Abbey Pearce

Go James!!



Go Macquarie!


Emma Robinson

Go get em Sambo 👌


Dane Robinson


Sivaganga Sekaran


Penny Crampton

You can do it Kate!!




Adam O’Brien

Go get em buddy


Fiona Roseby

Go for it, Champion!


The Bakers


Lachlan Sue

Good on you James!


Robert Gange


Paul Creedy


Lara Griffin



Good work Sam for doing all this hard work for a good cause.



Great work mate, I know you’ve been training. Hardly a challenge!! Proud of you.


Yu Wang

Just do it 。。。别偷懒。。。继续往前走。


Sharen Abdel Sayed

Well done Josh. As always, we’re very proud of your humanity and determination. Good luck.







Keep it up my Boy,


Ms Watts



Proud of you Kesh


Shihantha Sangarapillai

Hi Keshon



Go Keshon






Joel Marchant


Hanna Simon


Jenny Hur


Chloe Allen


Luciano Raneri


Gail Gardener

Good work James


Richard Low

Go Bobby go!





You've got this Brandon! 😃👍



You've go this James! 😃👍


Scarlett Honan


Natasha Evans

First 1000 down, awesome work! keep it going to get the next 1000 😁




Danielle Lawson

Awesome work Will 💪🏼


Uncle Phil

Great effort Will.. keep up the good work 💪


Ophia Van der Hoven

Well done James


Kasha Zabielo

Legend James. Well done!!


Jennifer Briggs

One rep at a time!


Henry Drury


Tully Salmon



go jacksina


Facebook Donation


Johnson Zhuang


Harry Bodman




Anu Suttie

Big effort Sam - well done!


Albert Osborn

Show more

Teams supporting

Legends supporting 424

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