Thiess Push-Up Legends





Thiess Push-Up Legends

Supporting headspace Emerald

headspace is Australia’s National Youth Mental Health Foundation, providing early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds. 

Each year, headspace helps thousands of young people access vital support through our headspace centres in over 157 communities across Australia, our online and phone counselling services, our vocational services, and our presence in schools. 

The support headspace receives from the community helps us achieve our vision - that all young Australians are supported to be mentally healthy and engaged in their communities.  

This team is currently ranked 275 out of all teams that are fundraising

Rank Name Amount
272 Butts Banter $3735.92
273 NQBP $3730.00
274 Archer Brewing $3730.00
275 Thiess Push-Up Legends $3727.00
276 Baxter boys $3719.00
277 Jetts Knoxfield Ninjas $3719.00
278 Careers Network Northern $3709.49

Team Push-Up Total

Meet the team
(28 members)
Team Captain: Kirsty Hunter

Thanks to Our Legendary Sponsors


Rene Arunakumaren



Well done Ryan!


Nicholas Murphy

Put that work in Scott!! Thankyou for always lifting the spirits of everyone around you each day.


Jonathan Merefield

Get those little arms moving


Julie Holmes

Awesome Ryan !





Good luck Alex!


Rhianna Goodwin


Rod & Sharon Messer

Good luck


Jodie Butler

Good luck with the challenge Kirky. You will nail it xxx live Stew and Jode xx


Isabel Hardy


M and M messer

Good luck Ryan a very worthy cause


Rosalie Taylor




Grant Adams

Great stuff Nick!


Gabe Williams


Alishma Pokharel

Stronger than yesterday💪💪


Northern Star Resources

Thank you! Your donation has been matched by Northern Star Resources


Anushka Pokharel


Jo Churchill

Go hard or go home.


Bronwyn Hyde

Go team!


Simon Weisse


Simon Maund


Georgia Jones

Well done, a truly worthy cause.


Gillian Haussmann




Kellie Pickering

Your tenacity has won me over - Amazing effort!


Simon Punter

Go hard Gaylord!


Kirsty Hunter


Jackie Brown

Great job William!


James O

24 in a row you legend!


James O

Go Mattia!






Mandy and mum

Happy push ups! From Mandy and mum


Angie Galbraith

Dam you’re going to beat me at our next arm wrestle


Gordon Dyball



Better build up those guns Miss V.


Liam West


Michi Stefan


Warwick Slarke

Mitchell Moses says hi.


Kel Chapman

Get swole


Claire Carkeet


Christie McDonald


Neil Chalmers

I've got your 6 mate.


Mustapha Jamal Eddine


Brett Taylor

Surprised it would take you 24 days! ;o)


Jordan Ho

I want to see you bold !!


Linda Thompson


Anita Govich



Alex Dyball


Athena Khalili


Lochie McCabe

Great work Carmen! Keep it up.


Brittany Butler


Jason Christophers

Go strong Nick!!!


Mark Bartlett


Jess Clarkson

Nice work my strong and powerful queen


Julia McMurray


Kyriakos Tapinou

You lil T-rex, you're gonna finally develop your upper body! Ily


Simon Albery

Great work V!!



Yass queen! can’t wait to see your guns after this!


Robyn Le Mura

Go Nes! Love mum and dad xo


Charlotte Lethbridge


Kym Harris

Goodluck V


Mick Woods

Go you good thing!!


Scott Corsan

Nice Work. Keep up the good work.

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Part of Community Thiess Push-up Supremos