Ashton Gregson

About My Challenge

I'm tackling this challenge to complete 3,249 pushups because this number represents the amount of suicides in 2022 (the most recent data). I believe that we can all play our part in helping to support those that are in dire need of help. We can all do something to help make a positive change, and I hope that you can help me, because I can't do it alone.

Every year thousands of Australians take their lives, with 83.1% of suicides being commited by adolescents that are 15-17 years of age. In a first world country such as ours, this many children should not have to lose their lives to treatable illnesses. However; due to the lack of funding, stigma, and general misunderstanding surrounding mental health disorders, those most at risk of suicide or those seriously affected by mental health issues, never recieve the support they need. That is why it is so important that you help to contribute to my fundraiser. Anyone of us could become a number in the latest statistics. Every bit of money counts towards saving a life. These funds go towards Lifeline, a crucial Australian mental health support service that helps those in severe distress  

You can donate here at my fundraising page:


Supporting Lifeline

Lifeline exists to ensure no person in Australia has to face their darkest moments alone.
We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to listen, without judgement, to any person in Australia who is feeling overwhelmed, experiencing crisis or longs to be heard.

Experience shows us it is through connection that we can find hope. With Australians struggling with cost-of-living pressures, increasing inflation, housing insecurity, global instability, and recovery after extreme weather events, our crisis support services have remained in high demand with our voice and text services receiving up to 4,000 contacts a day from help seekers. Our partnership with The Push Up Challenge has played a vital role in raising funds to support the delivery of suicide prevention and crisis support services at a time where we have never been needed more.

My Challenge History

Pushuperer for  1 year

Push-Ups Funds
2024 3,109 $254
Total 3,109 $254

My Push-Up Progress

Thanks to My Legendary Sponsors





Part of Team mulch

Part of Community CTHS Pushup Challenge