Declan Roche

Declan Loses Weight From The Head

Hello everyone,

The Day has come... I'm going to shave my head.

My team at Archer Brewing and I are taking part in the Push-Up Challenge this June, raising money for The Push For Better Foundation. The focus of the Foundation is on the prevention and early intervention of depression, anxiety and suicide. Many of you know of my struggles with mental health in all of its forms - and if you don't, it impacts me every spelunking day - so I'm very proud to be raising funds for an entity that's working to improve the mental health of all Australians.

In order to add to the fundraising (and the spectacle), I'll be having my head shaved at approximately 2pm @ Archer Brewing on Sunday 23rd June. We will also be tapping a Karma Keg to raise extra funds on the day.

Beginning June 5th, I'll be humiliating myself on social media for lulz and donations for most of June, so get used to my pasty form pestering you for money.

Boomshanka ✌️

Supporting Push For Better Foundation

The Push For Better Foundation raises awareness and engages people in mental health through connection, education and health and wellbeing. We #pushforbetter.

My Challenge History

Pushuperer for  1 year

Push-Ups Funds
2024 1,154 $2,700
Total 1,154 $2,700

My Push-Up Progress

Thanks to My Legendary Sponsors



Part of Team Archer Brewing