
It's been a journey

I've had my own personal struggles with mental health, I lost a very close friend at a young age to suicide, battled my own demons and then only recently lost another friend (Blake) to the same battle. 

The real sad part is, is that all this could've been prevented.

Being part of a cause such as this, enables us to advertise the many support networks available to people struggling with mental health.  

Unfortunately for my young friend (Michael), he had nowhere to turn, but we have come such a long way and we have many options and now it's all about encouraging people to make the call, book the appointment or to just ask for help. 

So I'm doing this to let you know, I'm here to help and it's ok to say, I'm not ok.

I'm also doing this because of 1 guy in the background photo, Blake who is no longer with us. 

Oh, and the guy in the profile photo, I don't recon Tom knows what a push up is! 

Please join with me in this great cause. 


Dedicated to: To Michael (last name withheld) & Blake Albones

Supporting headspace National

headspace is Australia’s National Youth Mental Health Foundation, providing early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds. 

Each year, headspace helps thousands of young people access vital support through our headspace centres in over 157 communities across Australia, our online and phone counselling services, our vocational services, and our presence in schools. 

The support headspace receives from the community helps us achieve our vision - that all young Australians are supported to be mentally healthy and engaged in their communities.  

My Challenge History

Pushuperer for  3 years

Push-Ups Funds
2024 3,249 $3,973
2022 1,398 $0
2021 120 $0
Total 4,767 $3,973

My Push-Up Progress

Thanks to My Legendary Sponsors



