Ryan Abramowitz

Pushing for the elephant in the room, from picture books to push ups

In 2016 my dad Joel (a gentle giant) ended his life. Drawing on this lived experience of the journey of my family to navigate this loss and repair, last year I released a picture book 'Elegy for an Elephant' to raise awareness and funds for suicide prevention and postvention. 

Adjacent to this, this year (together with my twin sisters) we are completing 3,249 push-ups in 24 days to raise awareness and funds for mental health in Australia. 

You can show your support by making a tax-deductible donation to my page.  Please help me reach my goal of $1044, which is 18 (chai- the Jewish figure symbolising life) x 58 (the amount of years too young he died). 

Every dollar helps #pushforbetter mental health outcomes in Australia by funding much-needed mental health services and initiatives. If you were interested in learning more about the picture book and its artistic shapes, head to http://www.narrativesofnature.com 

May this incredible Push Up challenge campaign help to make those struggling with mental health, and those communities bereaved by suicide feel seen and supported in their healing journeys. May we witness a tomorrow where suicide rates are drastically lower than what they currently are, and that the sacredness of every life is witnessed and honoured. 

Lets push for better, healthier societal mental health outcomes and shine a light on the number of Australians who died by suicide in 2022. May their memories be a blessing. 


Dedicated to: Joel Abramowitz

Supporting Lifeline

Lifeline exists to ensure no person in Australia has to face their darkest moments alone.
We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to listen, without judgement, to any person in Australia who is feeling overwhelmed, experiencing crisis or longs to be heard.

Experience shows us it is through connection that we can find hope. With Australians struggling with cost-of-living pressures, increasing inflation, housing insecurity, global instability, and recovery after extreme weather events, our crisis support services have remained in high demand with our voice and text services receiving up to 4,000 contacts a day from help seekers. Our partnership with The Push Up Challenge has played a vital role in raising funds to support the delivery of suicide prevention and crisis support services at a time where we have never been needed more.

My Challenge History

Pushuperer for  1 year

Push-Ups Funds
2024 3,249 $670
Total 3,249 $670

My Push-Up Progress

Thanks to My Legendary Sponsors





Part of Team Pushing for the elephant in the room

Part of Community Community Lifeline Melbourne

