The Bicep Development (BD) Team



About Our Challenge

This June, we're taking on The Push-Up Challenge and completing a heap of push-ups between 5-28 June, 2024 to raise funds and awareness for mental health.

You can show your support by making a tax-deductible donation to our fundraising page or joining our Team to be a part of the fun.

Every dollar helps #pushforbetter mental health outcomes in Australia.

Supporting Lifeline

Lifeline exists to ensure no person in Australia has to face their darkest moments alone.
We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to listen, without judgement, to any person in Australia who is feeling overwhelmed, experiencing crisis or longs to be heard.

Experience shows us it is through connection that we can find hope. With Australians struggling with cost-of-living pressures, increasing inflation, housing insecurity, global instability, and recovery after extreme weather events, our crisis support services have remained in high demand with our voice and text services receiving up to 4,000 contacts a day from help seekers. Our partnership with The Push Up Challenge has played a vital role in raising funds to support the delivery of suicide prevention and crisis support services at a time where we have never been needed more.

This team is currently ranked 1000+ out of all teams that are fundraising

Rank Name Amount
998 Colo Crusaders $1969.36
999 Chafing the Dream $1967.00
1000 FranFam Bros $1966.00
1001 jellybean $1966.00
1002 BBC Highlanders 7 & 11 $1965.00
1003 Health Equity Branch $1962.00
1004 Parrwang House $1959.00

Team Push-Up Total

Meet the team
(10 members)
Team Captain: Alyce Chauncy

Thanks to Our Legendary Sponsors


Andrew Lockton


Andy Campbell


Greg Krieger

You are a better man than me. Good on you for going the extra mile.




Northern Star Resources

Thank you! Your donation has been matched by Northern Star Resources


Gemma Harvey

Great job Team


Paul Kirk


Clare Nacion



Good luck Clare! I believe in you!!


Mel Ziarno


Jennene Pyle


Samantha Corbin


Jean, @artofsooni

Thank you for all you do Clare. <3 This is so amazing of you to bring awareness around such important resources. Lots of love for you!!

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Part of Community Leidos Australia