Chad Cunningham

About My Challenge

This June, we're taking on The Push-Up Challenge and completing a heap of push-ups between 5-28 June, 2024 to raise funds and awareness for mental health.

Our mission is to light up mental and physical health awareness like Dylan’s flare tip, igniting passion and motivation in individuals across the globe. With every push-up, we aim to create a spark in ourselves and our community, spreading the message that together, we can achieve anything we set our minds (and muscles!) to. So let's gear up, get ready to push-up, and let our flames burn bright!

You can show your support by making Joining the Team, or simply a tax-deductible donation to our fundraising page to be a part of the fun.

Every dollar helps #pushforbetter mental health outcomes in Australia.

Supporting Push For Better Foundation

The Push For Better Foundation raises awareness and engages people in mental health through connection, education and health and wellbeing. We #pushforbetter.

My Challenge History

Pushuperer for  2 years

Push-Ups Funds
2024 3,249 $0
2023 3,144 $35
Total 6,393 $35

My Push-Up Progress



Part of Team Pushin' Around the World

Part of Community Woodside Energy 2024