Joshua Bolin

About My Challenge

As someone whose family has been affected by suicide and being painfully aware of the especially high rate of male suicide in Australia. This cause hits close to home and I hope I can do my small part in helping those brother's, father's and son's that need help. If you want to assist with that cause and see me suffer through 3249 push-ups then please spare what you can.

I'm completing 3,249 push-ups in 24 days to raise awareness and funds for mental health in Australia. 

You can show your support by making a tax-deductible donation to my page.

Every dollar helps #pushforbetter mental health outcomes in Australia by funding much-needed mental health services and initiatives.

Supporting headspace Meadowbrook

Young people aged 12 to 25, as well as their family and friends, can visit headspace Meadowbrook for support. headspace provides free, confidential health services to young people with key focus areas of mental health, alcohol and other drugs, education and employment support, and physical and sexual health.
headspace Meadowbrook is proud to offer young people in our community a safe and inclusive environment.
To connect with headspace Meadowbrook, call 07 3804 4200 or visit

My Challenge History

Pushuperer for  1 year

Push-Ups Funds
2024 3,249 $505
Total 3,249 $505

My Push-Up Progress

Thanks to My Legendary Sponsors





Part of Team LOGAN CITY DC

Part of Community Australia Post