Oliver Martin

about me ;)

People these days do not know what it really means to be The Sigma. I can't help but notice how many people have lost themselves in sigma grindset to the point where I can no longer say that I am Sigma and that I am proud to be one, because I don't want to be mistaken as some random fool online that has lost himself because of the liberal propaganda like you. I will try not to insult your intelegence with my explenation but have in mind that The Sigmas are a very complex topic. I will start with explaining where you were wrong in your comment...

See when you said "It's the sad world we live in" you have automatically broken the first rule of Sigmas (we never let peoples opinions get to us). See friend even though what you said was true you STILL let them get to your feelings. Feelings of The Sigma are nonexistent. We keep them safe, so people can't take advantage of us... Real sigma shows only 5% of his feelings to the public and 10% to his desired female companion. You are not worthy of wearing a Patrick Bateman profile picture if you can't keep your feelings to yourself, so you might want to change the pfp until you learn the basics. This was an obvious attempt to make the real men angry. Betas cheering for this immoral behaviour of someones future wife. Disgusting.

Just for the future occasions be aware that true Sigmas are lone wolves. Not bothered by opinions of sheep. When someone knocs on ur door DON'T MOVE. You need to wait a bit first for sheep to be aware that The Sigma doesn't care a single bit about them. Also when you are answering your phone you CAN NOT pick up right away... 5 second wait is ideal... It keeps the sheep in their place. When it comes to acquiring females, I can not coach you much because I have just started exploring their habitat and didn't have much luck finding any interested females because of my height, Hovever I can tell you my mistakes so you don't repeat them. DO NOT fall into the rizz rabbithole. I trained my "rizz" to maybe increase my chances but no luck. At first I thought that maybe that wasn't enough and my sheep friends told me that because of my genes (I'm part black lol) I could easily train my lightskin stare and charm some of the females. I trained my lightskin stare and I only got made fun of by my sheep school and my sheep friends. Please don't ask people in your life for advice because it leads to no female profit. If you are interested you can send me your e-mail where I can send you couple of podcasts where people that have real experience on the dating markets talk and reveal the laws of said markets.

Stay safe friend! Sigmas out.

Supporting Push For Better Foundation

The Push For Better Foundation raises awareness and engages people in mental health through connection, education and health and wellbeing. We #pushforbetter.

My Challenge History

Pushuperer for  2 years

Push-Ups Funds
2024 0 $0
2021 677 $0
Total 677 $0





Part of Team 1203

Part of Community Brisbane Grammar School

