Poppy Cushway

About My Challenge

I'm completing 3,249 push-ups in 24 days to raise awareness and funds for mental health in Australia. 

You can show your support by making a tax-deductible donation to my page.

Every dollar helps #pushforbetter mental health outcomes in Australia by funding much-needed mental health services and initiatives.

Dedicated to: Anybody who is currently being effected

Supporting Lifeline Adelaide SA

Lifeline Adelaide saves lives. And somewhere in Australia, there is a new call to Lifeline every 30 seconds. We are committed to preventing suicide, supporting people in crisis, and promoting good mental health and emotional wellbeing. Every year, we answer more than 36,000 calls from people experiencing crisis. Many of them are thinking about taking their lives. Our dedicated team of Crisis Supporters are here to listen and offer support and, where appropriate, refer people to other services that can help. Lifeline Adelaide has been answering calls for 60 years and with your help we can be there for another 60.

My Challenge History

Pushuperer for  1 year

Push-Ups Funds
2024 3,249 $1,020
Total 3,249 $1,020

My Push-Up Progress

Thanks to My Legendary Sponsors

Our Team Members

Isaac Whitbread

Chloe Peachey

Baden Heaver

Mitchell Johnston

Raised so far:


Trent Rivett

Cal Kinchington

Raised so far:


Lenny Turner

Marley Fairlamb

Micah Callen


Mick Baulderstone

Raised so far:


Ewen Lauck

Sol Gunson

Raised so far:


Rory Moffat

Izzy Rawley

Finn Hatton

Tom Bryant

Rose Elston

Theodore Van Den Ende

Harry Brokus

Poppy Cushway

Raised so far:


Gabrielle De Rosa

Raised so far:


Micah Johnswood

Raised so far:


Xaver Day-Liebelt

lilou reffay-earl

Raised so far:


Emily Hunston

Aerin Kerkez

Oli Ullmer

Stewart Williams

Raised so far:


Tahlia Woods

Eliza Wegner

adelaide monkhouse

Megan Marple

Rosalie Sinnett-Jones

Mitchell Gifford

Cesare Pacella

James Kelly

lachlan irvine

Raised so far:


Euan Farquharson

Raised so far:


Isabella Bubb

Morgen Roach

sebastian tassone

Solomon Pfitz-Williams

Josh Hards

Raised so far:


Addison Seedsman

Esther James

Elliot Day

Cooper Grivell

Russell Tindale

Bradley Roberts

Helen Douvartzidis

Will Sinnett-Jones

Artie Byleveld

Raised so far:


Cameron George


Raised so far:


Maximus Dunstall

mitchell sparrow

Andrew Bardsley

Elliot Reader

Raised so far:


Rockford Lamb

Raised so far:


Nando de hass

charlie pyrah

Raised so far:


Hamish Kennedy

Maddy Washington

Miss L

Raised so far:


Eleanor Timmis

Ava Richards

Ben Hornsey

Raised so far:


maggie holds

Nina Adam

Emily Muggleton

Danny Kim

Matty Yolland

Max Bennett

Kaden Zubrinich

Daniel Millburn

Patrick Shooter

Emily porcaro

Lachi Morrow

Frederik Stubbs

immi robjohns

Sebastian Melbourne

Dylan Armstrong

Austin brown

Raised so far:


Pip Hamlyn

Raised so far:


Aria Lee

Raised so far:


Ben Holds

Billy Koutsoumbos

Neil Muggleton

Davo Big

Raised so far:


Mabelle Kayser

Miles Barson

Oscar Maguire

Frankie Bishop

Archer T

Indi Prideaux


Nathan Stevens

Raised so far:


zoe seidel

Dacoda Tonellato

Raised so far:


Lily Nettlefold

Aria Li

Mr C

Raised so far:


Alexandra Rouse

Charlie Bleby

Beth Davies

Jade Bond

Charlotte Pardoe

Lara Pargin

Raised so far:


Milla Considine

Thomas Jennings

Jax Heading

Raised so far:


AJ Davis

maddie m

ruby fisher

Raised so far:



Larson Weygandt





Part of Team Urrbrae Agricultural High School

Part of Community Urrbrae Agricultural High School

