
3,249 Pushups, One Billion Dollars: A Divine Undertaking

The time has come for me to embark on a sacred quest - a 24-day pushup challenge to raise money for the almighty Push For Better Foundation. Through the divine power of these 3,249 pushups (that's around 135 per day), I will bring in a bounty of donations, the likes of which this world has never seen.

Now, I know what you're thinking - a billion dollars? That's an outrageous, borderline delusional goal. But have you not witnessed the miracles that can occur when one surrenders fully to a righteous cause? The donations shall flow like wine, my friends. The benevolent donors will fall over themselves to support my noble endeavor.

And let us not forget the physical transformation that shall occur. By the end of this challenge, I will be sculpted like a roman god, radiating chiseled perfection. The mere mortals who gaze upon my form will be struck with awe and wonder. I will be the physical embodiment of the Push For Better Foundation's mission - wellness, strength, and the elevation of the human spirit.

Sure, 3,249 pushups in 24 days may seem like an impossible feat. But I have been chosen for this divine purpose. The heavens have aligned, and I am but a humble vessel carrying out their will. Nothing will stop me from completing this challenge and ushering in a new era of prosperity for the Push For Better Foundation.

I may not provide the most engaging updates along the way. After all, I will be too busy communing with the higher powers that guide my every pushup. But have faith, my loyal followers. This is no mere mortal endeavor - this is a crusade of the immortals. And when the dust settles, the world shall behold the glory that I have wrought.



Dedicated to: Immortality

Supporting Push For Better Foundation

The Push For Better Foundation raises awareness and engages people in mental health through connection, education and health and wellbeing. We #pushforbetter.

My Challenge History

Pushuperer for  1 year

Push-Ups Funds
2024 3,249 $35
Total 3,249 $35

My Push-Up Progress

Thanks to My Legendary Sponsors





Part of Team Perron Group Team 2

Part of Community Perron Group

